
Easy Stuffed Aaloo Parantha Recipe | Potato Prantha | NirmalBhoj

2021-02-16 7 Dailymotion

Aaloo parantha are favourite to people of almost all ages..so why do you stay behind,just learn the easy way to make it out...here you go....
in order to make aaloo prantha(5-6servings) first of all we will need to prepare potato stuffing for which proceed as follows:
things you will need: (1)Boiled Potato-2 medium sized
(2)Salt (according to your taste normally 1/2
(3)Red chilli powder
you may also add cumin powder, corriander leaves etc.to it depending on your taste.
Now,mash the boiled potato in a bowl,add all species listed above, mix well and the required potato stuffing is ready to use...
further follow steps indicated in the video attached above.

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Video's Link : https://dai.ly/x7zcr1u